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Customer Rating:
First tagged by Peter Tsang
Customer tags: kelly coffey(2), strength training(2), interval training(2), kelly coffey meyer, exercise, weight loss, i work very hard, kelly coffey-meyer, weight training, fitness dvd
Review & Description
Named as FITNESS Magazine's "Best DVD for Head to Toe Body Sculpting", Kellly Coffey-Meyer's NYC (New You Coming) is the ultimate sculpting workout! The mission is to achieve maximum caloric output while toning and defining all muscle groups for a leaner physique. To achieve this goal, multi-setting with lighter weights, constantly moving from upper to lower body exercises and focusing on hips, glutes and abdominals, is a sure way to ensure there's a New You Coming! If you are looking for a no-dread, no-nonsense sculpting workout that burns calories and increases muscle definition, this is it. It's one workout no `body' should do without. Expertly cued by Kelly Coffey-Meyer, NYC features energizing music, and very smooth transitions. The first section intermixes upper-body dumbbell exercises and bench-enhanced lower-body toning. The second segment is also fast-moving - featuring weight-room-style floorwork, usually lying on the bench to improve body position. Both parts maximize effectiveness by alternating upper and lower-body exercises within a multi-set structure. The DVD also has pre-programmed shorter options. Requires two sets of dumbbells and a step.
Running Time: 55 minutes Read more
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