Sunday, May 22, 2011

Your Ultimate Guide To The GLYCEMIC INDEX (eBook with Easy Navigation) + Free PDF (Kindle Edition)

Your Ultimate Guide To The GLYCEMIC INDEX (eBook with Easy Navigation) + Free PDF
Your Ultimate Guide To The GLYCEMIC INDEX (eBook with Easy Navigation) + Free PDF (Kindle Edition)
By A. Miles

Review & Description

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Bonus: You get access to the PDF version of this ebook.

So What Exactly is the Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index, or GI, ranks carbohydrates on a scale from 0 to 100 according to their effect on blood sugar levels.

Foods with a high GI score are those that are rapidly digested and absorbed and that result in marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Low-GI foods, which are more slowly digested and absorbed by the body, produce gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels, and have proven benefits for health.

In fact, numerous studies have shown that eating low GI foods is the secret to reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes … and is the key to sustainable weight loss!

This guide will basically hold your hand and spoon-feed you the information step-by-step and provides a detailed explanation of low GI eating and shows you exactly what you must also do to surpass your weight loss goals.

Here is just some of what you will learn:

* The absolute best and worst GI foods – armed with this information you’ll finally be able to make sound eating decisions that will result in dramatic weight loss without hunger or cravings!
* How to cut through all the weight-loss lies and false information that exists today and instead focus on scientific knowledge tips that are sure to help you lose weight fast!
* How to lose fat without losing muscle – it is not nearly as hard to do as you might think … discover the secrets here!
* Why 95% of dieters fail – and how you can easily ensure you are one of the lucky 5% who loses weight and keeps it off for good!
* How to quickly lose those last stubborn pounds of bodyfat so that you can get the real body of your dreams!
* How to send your metabolism soaring through the roof and turn your body into fat-melting furnace in no time!
* Everything you need to know about the Glycemic Index to lose a massive amount of weight in a minimum amount of time!
* How to avoid the common mistakes other dieters make – follow this advice and you are sure to exceed your weight loss goals!
* Why so many people gain back whatever weight they lose while dieting … and the easy way to ensure this doesn’t happen to you!
* The GI rankings for numerous popular foods – this is sure to be a reference you turn to again and again for healthy eating information!
* And much, much more!

The Truth is Weight Loss Doesn’t Get Any Easier Than This!

* If you are tired of starving yourself all day only to see the scale barely move the following morning …
* If you are tired of losing a little weight, then gaining it back …
* If you are tired of feeling tired …

… Then glycemic index foods are right for you!

This ebook reveals everything you need to know to:

Lose weight without cravings
Increase your energy
Start thinking clearly
Reduce your irritability
Be more productive!
Read more

Find out More for the best price at Amazon

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