Sunday, February 19, 2012

Raspberry Ketone Lean 1200 Mg and E-book loaded with info and low cal recipes to guarantee success! 30 Day Money Back Guarantee! (Health and Beauty)

Raspberry Ketone Lean 1200 Mg and E-book loaded with info and low cal recipes to guarantee success! 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
Raspberry Ketone Lean 1200 Mg and E-book loaded with info and low cal recipes to guarantee success! 30 Day Money Back Guarantee! (Health and Beauty)
By MaritzMayer

1 used and new from $7.99
Customer Rating: 5.0

First tagged by BabbtowN
Customer tags: african mango(4), dieting(4), diet pill(4), acai berry(4), acai fruit(4), acai(4), green tea(3), dr oz(3), raspberry(3), diet(3), antioxidant(3), antioxidants(2)

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Review & Description

Unlike other dietary supplements Rasberry Ketone Lean 1200Mg comes loaded with ALL the top ingredients to ensure 100% guaranteed success! Everything you need for succesful weight loss comes packed in one 30 day supply of RASPBERRY KETONE LEAN so you can save money and time, guaranteed!

RASPBERRY KETONES: Raspberry ketones affect the metabolism through two mechanisms by increasing the levels of two hormones, norepinerphrine and adiponectin. Increasing the norepinephrine causes the body's temperature to rise, causing the body to burn more fat. "Raspberry ketones also increase levels of adiponectin, which is a hormone that helps with lowering glucose levels," explains Dr. Sarah G. Khan. "The less circulating glucose, the less likely it will be converted into a stored energy source like glycogen. Adiponectin is found least frequently in obese people and may have a possible role to play in insulin resistance and diabetes."

AFRICAN MANGO: Known to increase the amount of Leptin in the blood stream. Giving the ability to reduce your appetite and also allowing you to burn more calories.

ACAI FRUIT: Provides great improvements in wellbeing. Twice the amount of antioxidants as blueberries and 10 times that of grapes.

GREEN TEA: Practitioners use green tea as a stimulant, a diuretic (to help rid the body of excess fluid), an astringent (to control bleeding and help heal wounds), and to improve heart health.

RESVERATROL: Believed to extend longevity. In mouse and rat experiments, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar-lowering and other beneficial cardiovascular effects of resveratrol have been reported.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (powder): Suppresses body fat accumulation.

KELP: Research finds the fibrous material called alginate in sea kelp is better at preventing fat absorption than most over-the-counter slimming treatments.

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