Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Healthy Permanent Weight Loss Without Dukan Diet: Powerful Ideas That Will Change Your Life (Kindle Edition)

Healthy Permanent Weight Loss Without Dukan Diet: Powerful Ideas That Will Change Your Life
Healthy Permanent Weight Loss Without Dukan Diet: Powerful Ideas That Will Change Your Life (Kindle Edition)
By Ariel Goldman

Buy new: $3.47

First tagged by Val Kilner
Customer tags: low carb, lose weight, weight loss, diet, dukan

Review & Description

As shocking as it may sound, but our current struggle with excess weight was programmed when we were created. Our current weight problems go all the way back to the first modern man.

We may never know exactly when Homo sapiens first appeared on the face of this planet, but what we know for sure is that it was a very different place.

Our environment changed dramatically, but our psychology and physiology have not changed that much. We are still lazy and our bodies still accumulate energy in the form of fat, although we may never need to burn it again.

This is why it is so easy for us to gain weight and so difficult to get rid of it. Our psychology and physiology are working against us.

In our quest to lose excess weight we turn to all sorts of diets and pills. We want a quick and easy solution. Unfortunately, diets rarely help most of us.

Getting on a diet without understanding the roots of the problem is like treating the symptoms instead of the underlying problem.

To get healthy and permanent weight loss results we need a complex approach.

Table of Contents

1. Ancestry Is Against Us Or Why Diets Don’t Help
2. How NOT To Lose Weight
3. The Most Powerful Weight Loss Secret
4. Five Rules Of Healthy Permanent Weight Loss
5. Secrets Of Mindful Eating
6. Chewing Gum – Your Secret Weapon?
7. Three Secrets Of Exercising For Weight Loss
8. 35 Fun Activities You Can Use For Exercising
9. 67 Weight Loss Tips For Your Mind, Your Body And Your Soul Muscles
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